
Scouts Australia NSW Branch, though exercising all due care in formulating the information on this site, does not warrant or represent that the content provided is free from error or omission, or that it is definitive. Scouts Australia NSW Branch does not warrant or accept any liability in relation to the quality, operability or accuracy of the content.

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This web site may contain links to linked web sites, as well as redirections to linked web sites. External links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. Redirections to websites are provided to enable the integration of other NSW Scout sites, however, they may not remain current or be maintained. Unless otherwise stated, linked and redirected web sites are not under the control of Scouts Australia NSW Branch and we are not responsible for the content of any such web sites. Where a link with problematic, inappropriate, out-dated, or removed content is brought to the attention of Scouts Australia NSW Branch, we will check the link and take appropriate action. To report such a link, please email webmaster@nsw.scouts.com.au.