SWASH is staffed by volunteers of the Scout Association who are Venturers, Rovers, Leaders and Adult Helpers.

The team consists of members who have a primary or secondary appointment at SWASH or keep their appointment with their home group and come and help occasionally.

We are a friendly team and are always looking for new team members. We can support you to gain experience and qualifications to help us run our activities.

We need:

  • Sailors
  • Canoeists
  • Safety boat operators
  • Volunteers to cook the BBQ lunches
  • General boat and hall maintenance
  • Bookings admin

You don’t need to volunteer every weekend. Once or twice a term would be great (but you are welcome more often).

If we have more team members than we need for the day’s activity, you can take out a boat and have fun practicing your skills. The more the merrier!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, email swash@nsw.scouts.com.au and our Leader In Charge will give you a buzz.

Join us today